Class Foreign-Built-In-Type

A built-in foreign type.

Part of:

package cffi, class foreign-type

Direct Superclass

foreign-typeContains information about a basic foreign type.


nameInitform:(gensym anonymous-cffi-type), Initargs::name; Accessors:name.
type-keywordInitform:(error a type keyword is required.), Initargs::type-keyword; Accessors:type-keyword.

Direct Method

aggregatepReturn true if FOREIGN-TYPE is an aggregate type.
canonicalizeReturn the built-in foreign type for FOREIGN-TYPE.
Signals an error if FOREIGN-TYPE is undefined.
foreign-type-alignmentReturn the structure alignment in bytes of a foreign type.
foreign-type-sizeReturn the size in bytes of a foreign type.
translate-pReturn true if type translators should run on FOREIGN-TYPE.

Other Method

unparseUnparse FOREIGN-TYPE to a type specification (symbol or list).