Class Opengl-Singleton-Loadable

Loadable specialization that only has one of its exact type in existance at a time.
When another is created as a loadable, all former instances of the same class are removed.

Part of:

package cityscape, class city, class opengl-loadable, class application

Direct Superclass

opengl-loadableBase class for any object that has data to be loadable into an OpenGL context.
See the opengl-loa...

Direct Subclass

cityClass used to represent a city.

Direct Method

opengl-context-addAdd an opengl-loadable object to the running context, or queue for when one is started.

Other Method

opengl-loadCode to be run when an opengl-loadable object is added to a running context or when the context c...
opengl-unloadCode to be run as an OpenGL context is closed, or an object is removed from the context.