Function Get-Key

Part of:

package glfw
( get-key < key > )
A keyboard key identifier, which can be either an uppercase printable ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1)
character (e.g. 'A', '3' or '.'), or a special key identifier. Table 3.3 lists valid special key
Return values
The function returns GLFW_PRESS if the key is held down, or GLFW_RELEASE if the key is not
held down.

The function queries the current state of a specific keyboard key. The physical location of each key
depends on the system keyboard layout setting.

The constant GLFW_KEY_SPACE is equal to 32, which is the ISO 8859-1 code for space.
Not all key codes are supported on all systems. Also, while some keys are available on some keyboard
layouts, they may not be available on other keyboard layouts.
For systems that do not distinguish between left and right versions of modifier keys (shift, alt and
control), the left version is used (e.g. GLFW_KEY_LSHIFT).
A window must be opened for the function to have any effect, and glfwPollEvents, glfwWaitEvents or
glfwSwapBuffers must be called before any keyboard events are recorded and reported by