Function Load-Texture-2d

Part of:

package glfw
( load-texture-2d < name > < flags > )
An ISO 8859-1 string holding the name of the file that should be loaded.
Flags for controlling the texture loading process. Valid flags are listed in table 3.7.
Return values
The function returns t if the texture was loaded successfully. Otherwise nil is

The function reads an image from the file specified by the parameter name and uploads the image to
OpenGL™ texture memory (using the glTexImage2D function).
If the GLFW_BUILD_MIPMAPS_BIT flag is set, all mipmap levels for the loaded texture are
generated and uploaded to texture memory.
Unless the flag GLFW_ORIGIN_UL_BIT is set, the origin of the texture is the lower left corner of the
loaded image. If the flag GLFW_ORIGIN_UL_BIT is set, however, the first pixel is the upper left
For single component images (i.e. gray scale), the texture is uploaded as an alpha mask if the flag
GLFW_ALPHA_MAP_BIT flag is set, otherwise it is uploaded as a luminance texture.

glfwLoadTexture2D supports the Truevision Targa version 1 file format (.TGA). Supported pixel
formats are: 8-bit gray scale, 8-bit paletted (24/32-bit color), 24-bit true color and 32-bit true color +
Paletted images are translated into true color or true color + alpha pixel formats.
The read texture is always rescaled to the nearest larger 2m × 2n resolution using bilinear interpolation,
if necessary, since OpenGL™ requires textures to have a 2m × 2n resolution.
If the GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap extension, which is usually hardware accelerated, is supported by
the OpenGL™ implementation it will be used for mipmap generation. Otherwise the mipmaps will be
generated by GLFW in software.
Since OpenGL™ 1.0 does not support single component alpha maps, alpha map textures are converted
to RGBA format under OpenGL™ 1.0 when the GLFW_ALPHA_MAP_BIT flag is set and the loaded
texture is a single component texture. The red, green and blue components are set to 1.0.