Function Set-Window-Refresh-Callback

Part of:

package glfw
( set-window-refresh-callback < cbfun > )
Pointer to a callback function that will be called when the window client area needs to be
refreshed. The function should have the following C language prototype:
void GLFWCALL functionname( void );
Where functionname is the name of the callback function.
If cbfun is NULL, any previously selected callback function will be deselected.

The function selects which function to be called upon a window refresh event, which occurs when any
part of the window client area has been damaged, and needs to be repainted (for instance, if a part of the
window that was previously occluded by another window has become visible).
A window has to be opened for this function to have any effect.

Window refresh events are recorded continuously, but only reported when glfwPollEvents,
glfwWaitEvents or glfwSwapBuffers is called.