Package Cffi-Sys - internal and external symbols

Part of:

asdf-system cityscape-builder, asdf-system cityscape-osd, asdf-system cityscape-city, asdf-system cityscape-terrain, asdf-system cityscape-building, asdf-system cityscape-draw, asdf-system cityscape-input, asdf-system cityscape-externals, asdf-system cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_1, asdf-system cl-glfw, asdf-system cityscape-util, asdf-system cityscape-craft, asdf-system cffi
See only external symbols
Package Cffi-Sys uses the packages Cffi-Utils, Common-Lisp and Sb-Alien. It has 55 total symbols and 26 external ones.




%close-foreign-libraryCloses the foreign library NAME.
%foreign-allocAllocate SIZE bytes on the heap and return a pointer.
%foreign-type-alignmentReturn the alignment in bytes of a foreign type.
%foreign-type-sizeReturn the size in bytes of a foreign type.
%load-foreign-libraryLoad the foreign library NAME.
cancel-finalizationCancels all of OBJECT's finalizers, if any.
convert-foreign-typeConvert a CFFI type keyword to an SB-ALIEN type.
finalizePushes a new FUNCTION to the OBJECT's list of
finalizers. FUNCTION should take no arguments. Retu...
foreign-freeFree a PTR allocated by FOREIGN-ALLOC.
foreign-funcall-type-and-argsReturn an SB-ALIEN function type for ARGS.
foreign-symbol-pointerReturns a pointer to a foreign symbol NAME.
inc-pointerReturn a pointer pointing OFFSET bytes past PTR.
make-pointerReturn a pointer pointing to ADDRESS.
make-shareable-byte-vectorCreate a Lisp vector of SIZE bytes can passed to
null-pointerConstruct and return a null pointer.
null-pointer-pReturn true if PTR is a null pointer.
pointer-addressReturn the address pointed to by PTR.
pointer-eqReturn true if PTR1 and PTR2 point to the same address.
pointerpReturn true if PTR is a foreign pointer.


%%foreign-funcallInternal guts of %FOREIGN-FUNCALL.
%foreign-funcallPerform a foreign function call, document it more later.
%foreign-funcall-pointerFuncall a pointer to a foreign function.
with-foreign-pointerBind VAR to SIZE bytes of foreign memory during BODY. The
pointer in VAR is invalid beyond the d...
with-pointer-to-vector-dataBind PTR-VAR to a foreign pointer to the data in VECTOR.