+1pass-sgis+ | |
+2-bytes+ | |
+2d+ | |
+2pass-0-sgis+ | |
+2pass-1-sgis+ | |
+3-bytes+ | |
+3d+ | |
+3d-color+ | |
+3d-color-texture+ | |
+4-bytes+ | |
+422-average-ext+ | |
+422-ext+ | |
+422-rev-average-ext+ | |
+422-rev-ext+ | |
+4d-color-texture+ | |
+4pass-0-sgis+ | |
+4pass-1-sgis+ | |
+4pass-2-sgis+ | |
+4pass-3-sgis+ | |
+abgr-ext+ | |
+accum+ | |
+accum-alpha-bits+ | gl-get-value returns one value, the number of alpha bitplanes in the accumulation buffer. |
+accum-blue-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of blue bitplanes in the accumulation buffer. |
+accum-buffer-bit+ | |
+accum-clear-value+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the red, green, blue, and alpha values used to clear the accumul... |
+accum-green-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of green bitplanes in the accumulation buffer. |
+accum-red-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of red bitplanes in the accumulation buffer. |
+add+ | |
+add-signed-arb+ | |
+add-signed-ext+ | |
+aliased-line-width-range+ | |
+aliased-point-size-range+ | |
+all-attrib-bits+ | |
+alpha+ | |
+alpha-bias+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the alpha bias factor used during pixel transfers. The ini‐ tial v... |
+alpha-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of alpha bitplanes in each color buffer. |
+alpha-float16-ati+ | |
+alpha-float32-ati+ | |
+alpha-icc-sgix+ | |
+alpha-max-clamp-ingr+ | |
+alpha-max-sgix+ | |
+alpha-min-clamp-ingr+ | |
+alpha-min-sgix+ | |
+alpha-scale+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the alpha scale factor used during pixel transfers. The initial va... |
+alpha-test+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether alpha testing of fragments is enabl... |
+alpha-test-func+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the symbolic name of the alpha test function. The initial value is... |
+alpha-test-ref+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the reference value for the alpha test. The initial value is 0. Se... |
+alpha12+ | |
+alpha12-ext+ | |
+alpha16+ | |
+alpha16-ext+ | |
+alpha16-icc-sgix+ | |
+alpha16f-arb+ | |
+alpha32f-arb+ | |
+alpha4+ | |
+alpha4-ext+ | |
+alpha8+ | |
+alpha8-ext+ | |
+always+ | |
+ambient+ | |
+ambient-and-diffuse+ | |
+and+ | |
+and-inverted+ | |
+and-reverse+ | |
+array-buffer-arb+ | |
+array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+async-draw-pixels-sgix+ | |
+async-histogram-sgix+ | |
+async-marker-sgix+ | |
+async-read-pixels-sgix+ | |
+async-tex-image-sgix+ | |
+attrib-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the depth of the attribute stack. If the stack is empty, 0 is retu... |
+auto-normal+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D map evaluation automati‐ cally g... |
+aux-buffers+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of auxiliary color buffers. The initial value is 0. |
+aux0+ | |
+aux1+ | |
+aux2+ | |
+aux3+ | |
+back+ | |
+back-left+ | |
+back-right+ | |
+bgr+ | |
+bgr-ext+ | |
+bgra+ | |
+bgra-ext+ | |
+bitmap+ | |
+bitmap-token+ | |
+blend+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether blending is enabled. The initial va... |
+blend-color+ | gl-get-list returns four values, the red, green, blue, and alpha values which are the com‐ ponent... |
+blend-color-ext+ | |
+blend-dst+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the symbolic constant identifying the destination blend function. ... |
+blend-equation+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating whether the blend equation is GL_FU... |
+blend-equation-ext+ | |
+blend-src+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the symbolic constant identifying the source blend func‐ tion. The... |
+blue+ | |
+blue-bias+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the blue bias factor used during pixel transfers. The ini‐ tial va... |
+blue-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of blue bitplanes in each color buffer. |
+blue-max-clamp-ingr+ | |
+blue-min-clamp-ingr+ | |
+blue-scale+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the blue scale factor used during pixel transfers. The ini‐ tial v... |
+buffer-access-arb+ | |
+buffer-map-pointer-arb+ | |
+buffer-mapped-arb+ | |
+buffer-size-arb+ | |
+buffer-usage-arb+ | |
+byte+ | |
+c3f-v3f+ | |
+c4f-n3f-v3f+ | |
+c4ub-v2f+ | |
+c4ub-v3f+ | |
+calligraphic-fragment-sgix+ | |
+ccw+ | |
+clamp+ | |
+clamp-to-border+ | |
+clamp-to-border-arb+ | |
+clamp-to-border-sgis+ | |
+clamp-to-edge+ | |
+clamp-to-edge-sgis+ | |
+clear+ | |
+client-all-attrib-bits+ | |
+client-attrib-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value indicating the depth of the attribute stack. The initial value is 0... |
+client-pixel-store-bit+ | |
+client-vertex-array-bit+ | |
+clip-plane0+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified clipping plane is ena... |
+clip-plane1+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified clipping plane is ena... |
+clip-plane2+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified clipping plane is ena... |
+clip-plane3+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified clipping plane is ena... |
+clip-plane4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified clipping plane is ena... |
+clip-plane5+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified clipping plane is ena... |
+clip-volume-clipping-hint-ext+ | |
+cmyk-ext+ | |
+cmyka-ext+ | |
+coeff+ | |
+color+ | |
+color-array+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the color array is enabled. The ini... |
+color-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+color-array-count-ext+ | |
+color-array-pointer+ | |
+color-array-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of components per color in the color array. The initial... |
+color-array-stride+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte offset between consecutive colors in the color array. The... |
+color-array-type+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the data type of each component in the color array. The initial va... |
+color-buffer-bit+ | |
+color-clear-unclamped-value-ati+ | |
+color-clear-value+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the red, green, blue, and alpha values used to clear the color b... |
+color-index+ | |
+color-indexes+ | |
+color-logic-op+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether a fragment’s RGBA color val‐ ues ar... |
+color-material+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether one or more material parame‐ ters a... |
+color-material-face+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating which materials have a parameter th... |
+color-material-parameter+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating which material parameters are track... |
+color-matrix+ | |
+color-matrix-sgi+ | |
+color-matrix-stack-depth+ | |
+color-matrix-stack-depth-sgi+ | |
+color-table+ | |
+color-table-alpha-size+ | |
+color-table-alpha-size-sgi+ | |
+color-table-bias+ | |
+color-table-bias-sgi+ | |
+color-table-blue-size+ | |
+color-table-blue-size-sgi+ | |
+color-table-format+ | |
+color-table-format-sgi+ | |
+color-table-green-size+ | |
+color-table-green-size-sgi+ | |
+color-table-intensity-size+ | |
+color-table-intensity-size-sgi+ | |
+color-table-luminance-size+ | |
+color-table-luminance-size-sgi+ | |
+color-table-red-size+ | |
+color-table-red-size-sgi+ | |
+color-table-scale+ | |
+color-table-scale-sgi+ | |
+color-table-sgi+ | |
+color-table-width+ | |
+color-table-width-sgi+ | |
+color-writemask+ | gl-get-list returns four boolean values: the red, green, blue, and alpha write enables for the co... |
+color3-bit-pgi+ | |
+color4-bit-pgi+ | |
+combine-alpha-arb+ | |
+combine-alpha-ext+ | |
+combine-arb+ | |
+combine-ext+ | |
+combine-rgb-arb+ | |
+combine-rgb-ext+ | |
+combine4-nv+ | |
+compare-r-to-texture-arb+ | |
+compare-ref-depth-to-texture-ext+ | |
+compile+ | |
+compile-and-execute+ | |
+compressed-luminance-alpha-latc2-ext+ | |
+compressed-luminance-latc1-ext+ | |
+compressed-red-green-rgtc2-ext+ | |
+compressed-red-rgtc1-ext+ | |
+compressed-rgb-fxt1-3dfx+ | |
+compressed-rgb-s3tc-dxt1-ext+ | |
+compressed-rgba-fxt1-3dfx+ | |
+compressed-rgba-s3tc-dxt1-ext+ | |
+compressed-rgba-s3tc-dxt3-ext+ | |
+compressed-rgba-s3tc-dxt5-ext+ | |
+compressed-signed-luminance-alpha-latc2-ext+ | |
+compressed-signed-luminance-latc1-ext+ | |
+compressed-signed-red-green-rgtc2-ext+ | |
+compressed-signed-red-rgtc1-ext+ | |
+compressed-sluminance-alpha-ext+ | |
+compressed-sluminance-ext+ | |
+compressed-srgb-alpha-ext+ | |
+compressed-srgb-alpha-s3tc-dxt1-ext+ | |
+compressed-srgb-alpha-s3tc-dxt3-ext+ | |
+compressed-srgb-alpha-s3tc-dxt5-ext+ | |
+compressed-srgb-ext+ | |
+compressed-srgb-s3tc-dxt1-ext+ | |
+const-eye-nv+ | |
+constant-alpha+ | |
+constant-alpha-ext+ | |
+constant-arb+ | |
+constant-attenuation+ | |
+constant-border+ | |
+constant-border-hp+ | |
+constant-color+ | |
+constant-color-ext+ | |
+constant-ext+ | |
+convolution-1d+ | |
+convolution-1d-ext+ | |
+convolution-2d+ | |
+convolution-2d-ext+ | |
+convolution-border-color+ | |
+convolution-border-color-hp+ | |
+convolution-border-mode+ | |
+convolution-border-mode-ext+ | |
+convolution-filter-bias+ | |
+convolution-filter-bias-ext+ | |
+convolution-filter-scale+ | |
+convolution-filter-scale-ext+ | |
+convolution-format+ | |
+convolution-format-ext+ | |
+convolution-height+ | |
+convolution-height-ext+ | |
+convolution-hint-sgix+ | |
+convolution-width+ | |
+convolution-width-ext+ | |
+coord-replace-arb+ | |
+copy+ | |
+copy-inverted+ | |
+copy-pixel-token+ | |
+cull-face+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether polygon culling is enabled. The ini... |
+cull-face-mode+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating which polygon faces are to be culle... |
+cull-fragment-nv+ | |
+cull-modes-nv+ | |
+cull-vertex-ibm+ | |
+current-bit+ | |
+current-color+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the red, green, blue, and alpha values of the current color. Int... |
+current-index+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the current color index. The initial value is 1. See glInâÂ‐ dex... |
+current-normal+ | gl-get-list returns three values: the x, y, and z values of the current normal. Integer values, i... |
+current-raster-color+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the red, green, blue, and alpha values of the current raster pos... |
+current-raster-distance+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the distance from the eye to the current raster position. The init... |
+current-raster-index+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the color index of the current raster position. The initial value ... |
+current-raster-position+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the x, y, z, and w components of the current raster posi‐ tion. ... |
+current-raster-position-valid+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the current raster position is vali... |
+current-raster-texture-coords+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the s, t, r, and q current raster texture coordinates. The initi... |
+current-texture-coords+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the s, t, r, and q current texture coordinates. The ini‐ tial va... |
+cw+ | |
+decal+ | |
+decr+ | |
+decr-wrap-ext+ | |
+deformations-mask-sgix+ | |
+dependent-ar-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+dependent-gb-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+dependent-hilo-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+dependent-rgb-texture-3d-nv+ | |
+dependent-rgb-texture-cube-map-nv+ | |
+depth+ | |
+depth-bias+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the depth bias factor used during pixel transfers. The ini‐ tial v... |
+depth-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of bitplanes in the depth buffer. |
+depth-buffer-bit+ | |
+depth-clamp-nv+ | |
+depth-clear-value+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the value that is used to clear the depth buffer. Integer values, ... |
+depth-component+ | |
+depth-component16+ | |
+depth-component16-arb+ | |
+depth-component16-sgix+ | |
+depth-component24+ | |
+depth-component24-arb+ | |
+depth-component24-sgix+ | |
+depth-component32+ | |
+depth-component32-arb+ | |
+depth-component32-sgix+ | |
+depth-func+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the symbolic constant that indicates the depth comparison function... |
+depth-pass-instrument-counters-sgix+ | |
+depth-pass-instrument-max-sgix+ | |
+depth-pass-instrument-sgix+ | |
+depth-range+ | gl-get-list returns two values: the near and far mapping limits for the depth buffer. Integer val... |
+depth-scale+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the depth scale factor used during pixel transfers. The initial va... |
+depth-stencil-ext+ | |
+depth-stencil-nv+ | |
+depth-stencil-to-bgra-nv+ | |
+depth-stencil-to-rgba-nv+ | |
+depth-test+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether depth testing of fragments is enabl... |
+depth-texture-mode-arb+ | |
+depth-writemask+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating if the depth buffer is enabled for writing.... |
+depth24-stencil8-ext+ | |
+detail-texture-2d-binding-sgis+ | |
+detail-texture-2d-sgis+ | |
+detail-texture-func-points-sgis+ | |
+detail-texture-level-sgis+ | |
+detail-texture-mode-sgis+ | |
+diffuse+ | |
+distance-attenuation-sgis+ | |
+dither+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether dithering of fragment colors and in... |
+domain+ | |
+dont-care+ | |
+dot-product-affine-depth-replace-nv+ | |
+dot-product-const-eye-reflect-cube-map-nv+ | |
+dot-product-depth-replace-nv+ | |
+dot-product-diffuse-cube-map-nv+ | |
+dot-product-nv+ | |
+dot-product-pass-through-nv+ | |
+dot-product-reflect-cube-map-nv+ | |
+dot-product-texture-1d-nv+ | |
+dot-product-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+dot-product-texture-3d-nv+ | |
+dot-product-texture-cube-map-nv+ | |
+dot-product-texture-rectangle-nv+ | |
+dot3-rgb-arb+ | |
+dot3-rgb-ext+ | |
+dot3-rgba-arb+ | |
+dot3-rgba-ext+ | |
+double+ | |
+double-ext+ | |
+doublebuffer+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether double buffering is sup‐ ported. |
+draw-buffer+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating which buffers are being drawn to. S... |
+draw-pixel-token+ | |
+ds-bias-nv+ | |
+ds-scale-nv+ | |
+dsdt-mag-intensity-nv+ | |
+dsdt-mag-nv+ | |
+dsdt-mag-vib-nv+ | |
+dsdt-nv+ | |
+dsdt8-mag8-intensity8-nv+ | |
+dsdt8-mag8-nv+ | |
+dsdt8-nv+ | |
+dst-alpha+ | |
+dst-color+ | |
+dt-bias-nv+ | |
+dt-scale-nv+ | |
+dual-alpha12-sgis+ | |
+dual-alpha16-sgis+ | |
+dual-alpha4-sgis+ | |
+dual-alpha8-sgis+ | |
+dual-intensity12-sgis+ | |
+dual-intensity16-sgis+ | |
+dual-intensity4-sgis+ | |
+dual-intensity8-sgis+ | |
+dual-luminance-alpha4-sgis+ | |
+dual-luminance-alpha8-sgis+ | |
+dual-luminance12-sgis+ | |
+dual-luminance16-sgis+ | |
+dual-luminance4-sgis+ | |
+dual-luminance8-sgis+ | |
+dual-texture-select-sgis+ | |
+dynamic-copy-arb+ | |
+dynamic-draw-arb+ | |
+dynamic-read-arb+ | |
+edge-flag+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the current edge flag is GL_TRUE or... |
+edge-flag-array+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the edge flag array is enabled. The... |
+edge-flag-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+edge-flag-array-count-ext+ | |
+edge-flag-array-pointer+ | |
+edge-flag-array-stride+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte offset between consecutive edge flags in the edge flag ar... |
+edgeflag-bit-pgi+ | |
+element-array-buffer-arb+ | |
+element-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+emboss-constant-nv+ | |
+emboss-light-nv+ | |
+emboss-map-nv+ | |
+emission+ | |
+enable-bit+ | |
+equal+ | |
+equiv+ | |
+eval-bit+ | |
+exp+ | |
+exp2+ | |
+extensions+ | |
+eye-distance-to-line-sgis+ | |
+eye-distance-to-point-sgis+ | |
+eye-line-sgis+ | |
+eye-linear+ | |
+eye-plane+ | |
+eye-plane-absolute-nv+ | |
+eye-point-sgis+ | |
+eye-radial-nv+ | |
+false+ | |
+fastest+ | |
+feedback+ | |
+feedback-buffer-pointer+ | |
+feedback-buffer-size+ | |
+feedback-buffer-type+ | |
+fill+ | |
+filter4-sgis+ | |
+flat+ | |
+float+ | |
+float-clear-color-value-nv+ | |
+float-r-nv+ | |
+float-r16-nv+ | |
+float-r32-nv+ | |
+float-rg-nv+ | |
+float-rg16-nv+ | |
+float-rg32-nv+ | |
+float-rgb-nv+ | |
+float-rgb16-nv+ | |
+float-rgb32-nv+ | |
+float-rgba-mode-nv+ | |
+float-rgba-nv+ | |
+float-rgba16-nv+ | |
+float-rgba32-nv+ | |
+fog+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether fogging is enabled. The ini‐ tial v... |
+fog-bit+ | |
+fog-color+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the fog color. Int... |
+fog-coordinate-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+fog-density+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the fog density parameter. The initial value is 1. See glFog. |
+fog-distance-mode-nv+ | |
+fog-end+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the end factor for the linear fog equation. The initial value is 1... |
+fog-factor-to-alpha-sgix+ | |
+fog-func-points-sgis+ | |
+fog-func-sgis+ | |
+fog-hint+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the mode of the fog hint. The initi... |
+fog-index+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the fog color index. The initial value is 0. See glFog. |
+fog-mode+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating which fog equation is selected. The... |
+fog-offset-sgix+ | |
+fog-offset-value-sgix+ | |
+fog-scale-sgix+ | |
+fog-scale-value-sgix+ | |
+fog-specular-texture-win+ | |
+fog-start+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the start factor for the linear fog equation. The initial value is... |
+force-blue-to-one-nv+ | |
+format-subsample-24-24-oml+ | |
+format-subsample-244-244-oml+ | |
+fragment-color-material-face-sgix+ | |
+fragment-color-material-parameter-sgix+ | |
+fragment-color-material-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light-model-ambient-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light-model-local-viewer-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light-model-normal-interpolation-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light-model-two-side-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light0-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light1-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light2-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light3-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light4-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light5-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light6-sgix+ | |
+fragment-light7-sgix+ | |
+fragment-lighting-sgix+ | |
+fragment-program-arb+ | |
+fragment-shader-arb+ | |
+fragment-shader-derivative-hint-arb+ | |
+framebuffer-attachment-texture-layer-ext+ | |
+framebuffer-srgb-capable-ext+ | |
+framebuffer-srgb-ext+ | |
+framezoom-factor-sgix+ | |
+framezoom-sgix+ | |
+front+ | |
+front-and-back+ | |
+front-face+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating whether clockwise or coun‐ terclock... |
+front-left+ | |
+front-right+ | |
+func-add+ | |
+func-add-ext+ | |
+func-reverse-subtract+ | |
+func-reverse-subtract-ext+ | |
+func-subtract+ | |
+func-subtract-ext+ | |
+generate-mipmap+ | |
+generate-mipmap-hint+ | |
+generate-mipmap-hint-sgis+ | |
+generate-mipmap-sgis+ | |
+geometry-deformation-bit-sgix+ | |
+geometry-deformation-sgix+ | |
+gequal+ | |
+greater+ | |
+green+ | |
+green-bias+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the green bias factor used during pixel transfers. The ini‐ tial v... |
+green-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of green bitplanes in each color buffer. |
+green-max-clamp-ingr+ | |
+green-min-clamp-ingr+ | |
+green-scale+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the green scale factor used during pixel transfers. The initial va... |
+half-float-arb+ | |
+hi-bias-nv+ | |
+hi-scale-nv+ | |
+hilo-nv+ | |
+hilo16-nv+ | |
+hilo8-nv+ | |
+hint-bit+ | |
+histogram+ | |
+histogram-alpha-size+ | |
+histogram-alpha-size-ext+ | |
+histogram-blue-size+ | |
+histogram-blue-size-ext+ | |
+histogram-ext+ | |
+histogram-format+ | |
+histogram-format-ext+ | |
+histogram-green-size+ | |
+histogram-green-size-ext+ | |
+histogram-luminance-size+ | |
+histogram-luminance-size-ext+ | |
+histogram-red-size+ | |
+histogram-red-size-ext+ | |
+histogram-sink+ | |
+histogram-sink-ext+ | |
+histogram-width+ | |
+histogram-width-ext+ | |
+ignore-border-hp+ | |
+implementation-color-read-format-oes+ | |
+implementation-color-read-type-oes+ | |
+incr+ | |
+incr-wrap-ext+ | |
+index-array+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the color index array is enabled. T... |
+index-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+index-array-count-ext+ | |
+index-array-pointer+ | |
+index-array-stride+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte offset between consecutive color indexes in the color ind... |
+index-array-type+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the data type of indexes in the color index array. The ini‐ tial v... |
+index-bit-pgi+ | |
+index-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of bitplanes in each color index buffer. |
+index-clear-value+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the color index used to clear the color index buffers. The initial... |
+index-logic-op+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether a fragment’s index values are merge... |
+index-mode+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the GL is in color index mode (GL_T... |
+index-offset+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the offset added to color and stencil indices during pixel transfe... |
+index-shift+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the amount that color and stencil indices are shifted dur‐ ing pix... |
+index-writemask+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a mask indicating which bitplanes of each color index buffer can b... |
+instrument-buffer-pointer-sgix+ | |
+instrument-measurements-sgix+ | |
+int+ | |
+intensity+ | |
+intensity-ext+ | |
+intensity-float16-ati+ | |
+intensity-float32-ati+ | |
+intensity-icc-sgix+ | |
+intensity12+ | |
+intensity12-ext+ | |
+intensity16+ | |
+intensity16-ext+ | |
+intensity16-icc-sgix+ | |
+intensity16f-arb+ | |
+intensity32f-arb+ | |
+intensity4+ | |
+intensity4-ext+ | |
+intensity8+ | |
+intensity8-ext+ | |
+interlace-oml+ | |
+interlace-read-ingr+ | |
+interlace-read-oml+ | |
+interlace-sgix+ | |
+interpolate-arb+ | |
+interpolate-ext+ | |
+invalid-enum+ | |
+invalid-operation+ | |
+invalid-value+ | |
+invert+ | |
+inverted-screen-w-rend+ | |
+ir-instrument1-sgix+ | |
+iui-n3f-v2f-ext+ | |
+iui-n3f-v3f-ext+ | |
+iui-v2f-ext+ | |
+iui-v3f-ext+ | |
+keep+ | |
+left+ | |
+lequal+ | |
+less+ | |
+light-env-mode-sgix+ | |
+light-model-ambient+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the ambient intens... |
+light-model-color-control+ | |
+light-model-color-control-ext+ | |
+light-model-local-viewer+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether specular reflection calcula‐ tions ... |
+light-model-specular-vector-apple+ | |
+light-model-two-side+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether separate materials are used to comp... |
+light0+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+light1+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+light2+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+light3+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+light4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+light5+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+light6+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+light7+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the specified light is enabled. The... |
+lighting+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether lighting is enabled. The initial va... |
+lighting-bit+ | |
+line+ | |
+line-bit+ | |
+line-loop+ | |
+line-reset-token+ | |
+line-smooth+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether antialiasing of lines is enabled. T... |
+line-smooth-hint+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the mode of the line antialiasing h... |
+line-stipple+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether stippling of lines is enabled. The ... |
+line-stipple-pattern+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the 16-bit line stipple pattern. The initial value is all 1’s. See... |
+line-stipple-repeat+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the line stipple repeat factor. The initial value is 1. See glLine... |
+line-strip+ | |
+line-token+ | |
+line-width+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the line width as specified with glLineWidth. The initial value is... |
+line-width-granularity+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the width difference between adjacent supported widths for antiali... |
+line-width-range+ | gl-get-list returns two values: the smallest and largest supported widths for antialiased lines. ... |
+linear+ | |
+linear-attenuation+ | |
+linear-clipmap-linear-sgix+ | |
+linear-clipmap-nearest-sgix+ | |
+linear-detail-alpha-sgis+ | |
+linear-detail-color-sgis+ | |
+linear-detail-sgis+ | |
+linear-mipmap-linear+ | |
+linear-mipmap-nearest+ | |
+linear-sharpen-alpha-sgis+ | |
+linear-sharpen-color-sgis+ | |
+linear-sharpen-sgis+ | |
+lines+ | |
+list-base+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the base offset added to all names in arrays presented to glCallLi... |
+list-bit+ | |
+list-index+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the name of the display list currently under construction. 0 is re... |
+list-mode+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the construction mode of the displa... |
+list-priority-sgix+ | |
+lo-bias-nv+ | |
+lo-scale-nv+ | |
+load+ | |
+logic-op+ | |
+logic-op-mode+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the selected logic operation mode. ... |
+luminance+ | |
+luminance-alpha+ | |
+luminance-alpha-float16-ati+ | |
+luminance-alpha-float32-ati+ | |
+luminance-alpha-icc-sgix+ | |
+luminance-alpha16f-arb+ | |
+luminance-alpha32f-arb+ | |
+luminance-float16-ati+ | |
+luminance-float32-ati+ | |
+luminance-icc-sgix+ | |
+luminance12+ | |
+luminance12-alpha12+ | |
+luminance12-alpha12-ext+ | |
+luminance12-alpha4+ | |
+luminance12-alpha4-ext+ | |
+luminance12-ext+ | |
+luminance16+ | |
+luminance16-alpha16+ | |
+luminance16-alpha16-ext+ | |
+luminance16-alpha8-icc-sgix+ | |
+luminance16-ext+ | |
+luminance16-icc-sgix+ | |
+luminance16f-arb+ | |
+luminance32f-arb+ | |
+luminance4+ | |
+luminance4-alpha4+ | |
+luminance4-alpha4-ext+ | |
+luminance4-ext+ | |
+luminance6-alpha2+ | |
+luminance6-alpha2-ext+ | |
+luminance8+ | |
+luminance8-alpha8+ | |
+luminance8-alpha8-ext+ | |
+luminance8-ext+ | |
+magnitude-bias-nv+ | |
+magnitude-scale-nv+ | |
+map-color+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating if colors and color indices are to be repla... |
+map-stencil+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating if stencil indices are to be replaced by ta... |
+map1-color-4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates col‐ ors. T... |
+map1-grid-domain+ | gl-get-list returns two values: the endpoints of the 1D map’s grid domain. The initial value is (... |
+map1-grid-segments+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of partitions in the 1D map’s grid domain. The initial ... |
+map1-index+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates color indic... |
+map1-normal+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates nor‐ mals. ... |
+map1-texture-coord-1+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates 1D texture ... |
+map1-texture-coord-2+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates 2D texture ... |
+map1-texture-coord-3+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates 3D texture ... |
+map1-texture-coord-4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates 4D texture ... |
+map1-vertex-3+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates 3D vertex c... |
+map1-vertex-4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D evaluation generates 4D vertex c... |
+map2-color-4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates col‐ ors. T... |
+map2-grid-domain+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the endpoints of the 2D map’s i and j grid domains. The initial ... |
+map2-grid-segments+ | gl-get-list returns two values: the number of partitions in the 2D map’s i and j grid domains. Th... |
+map2-index+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates color indic... |
+map2-normal+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates nor‐ mals. ... |
+map2-texture-coord-1+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates 1D texture ... |
+map2-texture-coord-2+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates 2D texture ... |
+map2-texture-coord-3+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates 3D texture ... |
+map2-texture-coord-4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates 4D texture ... |
+map2-vertex-3+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates 3D vertex c... |
+map2-vertex-4+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D evaluation generates 4D vertex c... |
+mat-ambient-and-diffuse-bit-pgi+ | |
+mat-ambient-bit-pgi+ | |
+mat-color-indexes-bit-pgi+ | |
+mat-diffuse-bit-pgi+ | |
+mat-emission-bit-pgi+ | |
+mat-shininess-bit-pgi+ | |
+mat-specular-bit-pgi+ | |
+material-side-hint-pgi+ | |
+matrix-mode+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating which matrix stack is cur‐ rently t... |
+max+ | |
+max-3d-texture-size-ext+ | |
+max-4d-texture-size-sgis+ | |
+max-active-lights-sgix+ | |
+max-array-texture-layers-ext+ | |
+max-async-draw-pixels-sgix+ | |
+max-async-histogram-sgix+ | |
+max-async-read-pixels-sgix+ | |
+max-async-tex-image-sgix+ | |
+max-attrib-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum supported depth of the attribute stack. The value must... |
+max-client-attrib-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value indicating the maximum supported depth of the client attribute stac... |
+max-clip-planes+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum number of application-defined clipping planes. The val... |
+max-clipmap-depth-sgix+ | |
+max-clipmap-virtual-depth-sgix+ | |
+max-color-matrix-stack-depth+ | |
+max-color-matrix-stack-depth-sgi+ | |
+max-convolution-height+ | |
+max-convolution-height-ext+ | |
+max-convolution-width+ | |
+max-convolution-width-ext+ | |
+max-cube-map-texture-size-arb+ | |
+max-cube-map-texture-size-ext+ | |
+max-deformation-order-sgix+ | |
+max-eval-order+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum equation order supported by 1D and 2D evalua‐ tors. Th... |
+max-ext+ | |
+max-fog-func-points-sgis+ | |
+max-fragment-lights-sgix+ | |
+max-fragment-uniform-components-arb+ | |
+max-framezoom-factor-sgix+ | |
+max-lights+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum number of lights. The value must be at least 8. See gl... |
+max-list-nesting+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum recursion depth allowed during display-list traversal.... |
+max-modelview-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum supported depth of the modelview matrix stack. The val... |
+max-name-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum supported depth of the selection name stack. The value... |
+max-pixel-map-table+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum supported size of a glPixelMap lookup table. The value... |
+max-program-alu-instructions-arb+ | |
+max-program-call-depth-nv+ | |
+max-program-exec-instructions-nv+ | |
+max-program-if-depth-nv+ | |
+max-program-loop-count-nv+ | |
+max-program-loop-depth-nv+ | |
+max-program-native-alu-instructions-arb+ | |
+max-program-native-tex-indirections-arb+ | |
+max-program-native-tex-instructions-arb+ | |
+max-program-tex-indirections-arb+ | |
+max-program-tex-instructions-arb+ | |
+max-projection-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum supported depth of the projection matrix stack. The va... |
+max-rectangle-texture-size-arb+ | |
+max-rectangle-texture-size-nv+ | |
+max-shininess-nv+ | |
+max-spot-exponent-nv+ | |
+max-texture-coords-arb+ | |
+max-texture-image-units-arb+ | |
+max-texture-lod-bias-ext+ | |
+max-texture-max-anisotropy-ext+ | |
+max-texture-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value. The value gives a rough estimate of the largest texture that the G... |
+max-texture-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the maximum supported depth of the texture matrix stack. The value... |
+max-vertex-hint-pgi+ | |
+max-vertex-texture-image-units-arb+ | |
+max-viewport-dims+ | gl-get-list returns two values: the maximum supported width and height of the viewport. These mus... |
+min+ | |
+min-ext+ | |
+minmax+ | |
+minmax-ext+ | |
+minmax-format+ | |
+minmax-format-ext+ | |
+minmax-sink+ | |
+minmax-sink-ext+ | |
+mirror-clamp-ati+ | |
+mirror-clamp-ext+ | |
+mirror-clamp-to-border-ext+ | |
+mirror-clamp-to-edge-ati+ | |
+mirror-clamp-to-edge-ext+ | |
+mirrored-repeat-arb+ | |
+mirrored-repeat-ibm+ | |
+modelview+ | |
+modelview-matrix+ | gl-get-list returns sixteen values: the modelview matrix on the top of the modelview matrix stack... |
+modelview-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of matrices on the modelview matrix stack. The initial ... |
+modulate+ | |
+modulate-add-ati+ | |
+modulate-signed-add-ati+ | |
+modulate-subtract-ati+ | |
+mult+ | |
+multisample-3dfx+ | |
+multisample-bit-3dfx+ | |
+multisample-filter-hint-nv+ | |
+multisample-sgis+ | |
+n3f-v3f+ | |
+name-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of names on the selection name stack. The ini‐ tial val... |
+nand+ | |
+nearest+ | |
+nearest-clipmap-linear-sgix+ | |
+nearest-clipmap-nearest-sgix+ | |
+nearest-mipmap-linear+ | |
+nearest-mipmap-nearest+ | |
+never+ | |
+nicest+ | |
+no-error+ | |
+none+ | |
+noop+ | |
+nor+ | |
+normal-array+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value, indicating whether the normal array is enabled. The i... |
+normal-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+normal-array-count-ext+ | |
+normal-array-pointer+ | |
+normal-array-stride+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte offset between consecutive normals in the normal array. T... |
+normal-array-type+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the data type of each coordinate in the normal array. The initial ... |
+normal-bit-pgi+ | |
+normal-map-arb+ | |
+normal-map-ext+ | |
+normal-map-nv+ | |
+normalize+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether normals are automatically scaled to... |
+notequal+ | |
+object-distance-to-line-sgis+ | |
+object-distance-to-point-sgis+ | |
+object-line-sgis+ | |
+object-linear+ | |
+object-plane+ | |
+object-point-sgis+ | |
+occlusion-test-hp+ | |
+occlusion-test-result-hp+ | |
+offset-hilo-projective-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+offset-hilo-projective-texture-rectangle-nv+ | |
+offset-hilo-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+offset-hilo-texture-rectangle-nv+ | |
+offset-projective-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+offset-projective-texture-2d-scale-nv+ | |
+offset-projective-texture-rectangle-nv+ | |
+offset-projective-texture-rectangle-scale-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-2d-bias-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-2d-matrix-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-2d-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-2d-scale-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-bias-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-matrix-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-rectangle-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-rectangle-scale-nv+ | |
+offset-texture-scale-nv+ | |
+one+ | |
+one-minus-constant-alpha+ | |
+one-minus-constant-alpha-ext+ | |
+one-minus-constant-color+ | |
+one-minus-constant-color-ext+ | |
+one-minus-dst-alpha+ | |
+one-minus-dst-color+ | |
+one-minus-src-alpha+ | |
+one-minus-src-color+ | |
+operand0-alpha-arb+ | |
+operand0-alpha-ext+ | |
+operand0-rgb-arb+ | |
+operand0-rgb-ext+ | |
+operand1-alpha-arb+ | |
+operand1-alpha-ext+ | |
+operand1-rgb-arb+ | |
+operand1-rgb-ext+ | |
+operand2-alpha-arb+ | |
+operand2-alpha-ext+ | |
+operand2-rgb-arb+ | |
+operand2-rgb-ext+ | |
+operand3-alpha-nv+ | |
+operand3-rgb-nv+ | |
+or+ | |
+or-inverted+ | |
+or-reverse+ | |
+order+ | |
+out-of-memory+ | |
+pack-alignment+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte alignment used for writing pixel data to memory. The init... |
+pack-cmyk-hint-ext+ | |
+pack-image-depth-sgis+ | |
+pack-image-height-ext+ | |
+pack-invert-mesa+ | |
+pack-lsb-first+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether single-bit pixels being written to ... |
+pack-resample-oml+ | |
+pack-resample-sgix+ | |
+pack-row-length+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the row length used for writing pixel data to memory. The initial ... |
+pack-skip-images-ext+ | |
+pack-skip-pixels+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of pixel locations skipped before the first pixel is wr... |
+pack-skip-rows+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of rows of pixel locations skipped before the first pix... |
+pack-skip-volumes-sgis+ | |
+pack-subsample-rate-sgix+ | |
+pack-swap-bytes+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the bytes of two-byte and four-byte... |
+pass-through-nv+ | |
+pass-through-token+ | |
+perspective-correction-hint+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the mode of the perspective correct... |
+phong-hint-win+ | |
+phong-win+ | |
+pixel-fragment-alpha-source-sgis+ | |
+pixel-fragment-rgb-source-sgis+ | |
+pixel-map-a-to-a+ | |
+pixel-map-a-to-a-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the alpha-to-alpha pixel translation table. The initia... |
+pixel-map-b-to-b+ | |
+pixel-map-b-to-b-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the blue-to-blue pixel translation table. The initial ... |
+pixel-map-g-to-g+ | |
+pixel-map-g-to-g-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the green-to-green pixel translation table. The initia... |
+pixel-map-i-to-a+ | |
+pixel-map-i-to-a-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the index-to-alpha pixel translation table. The initia... |
+pixel-map-i-to-b+ | |
+pixel-map-i-to-b-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the index-to-blue pixel translation table. The initial... |
+pixel-map-i-to-g+ | |
+pixel-map-i-to-g-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the index-to-green pixel translation table. The initia... |
+pixel-map-i-to-i+ | |
+pixel-map-i-to-i-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the index-to-index pixel translation table. The initia... |
+pixel-map-i-to-r+ | |
+pixel-map-i-to-r-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the index-to-red pixel translation table. The initial ... |
+pixel-map-r-to-r+ | |
+pixel-map-r-to-r-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the red-to-red pixel translation table. The initial va... |
+pixel-map-s-to-s+ | |
+pixel-map-s-to-s-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size of the stencil-to-stencil pixel translation table. The in... |
+pixel-mode-bit+ | |
+pixel-pack-buffer-arb+ | |
+pixel-pack-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+pixel-pack-buffer-binding-ext+ | |
+pixel-pack-buffer-ext+ | |
+pixel-subsample-2424-sgix+ | |
+pixel-subsample-4242-sgix+ | |
+pixel-subsample-4444-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-alpha-ls-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-alpha-ms-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-alpha-no-replace-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-alpha-replace-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-mode-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-q-ceiling-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-q-floor-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-q-round-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tex-gen-sgix+ | |
+pixel-texture-sgis+ | |
+pixel-tile-best-alignment-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tile-cache-increment-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tile-cache-size-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tile-grid-depth-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tile-grid-height-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tile-grid-width-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tile-height-sgix+ | |
+pixel-tile-width-sgix+ | |
+pixel-unpack-buffer-arb+ | |
+pixel-unpack-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+pixel-unpack-buffer-binding-ext+ | |
+pixel-unpack-buffer-ext+ | |
+point+ | |
+point-bit+ | |
+point-fade-threshold-size-sgis+ | |
+point-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the point size as specified by glPointSize. The initial value is 1... |
+point-size-granularity+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the size difference between adjacent supported sizes for antialias... |
+point-size-max-sgis+ | |
+point-size-min-sgis+ | |
+point-size-range+ | gl-get-list returns two values: the smallest and largest supported sizes for antialiased points. ... |
+point-smooth+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether antialiasing of points is enabled. ... |
+point-smooth-hint+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the mode of the point antialiasing ... |
+point-sprite-arb+ | |
+point-token+ | |
+points+ | |
+polygon+ | |
+polygon-bit+ | |
+polygon-mode+ | gl-get-list returns two values: symbolic constants indicating whether front-facing and back-facin... |
+polygon-offset-bias-ext+ | |
+polygon-offset-factor+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the scaling factor used to determine the variable offset that is a... |
+polygon-offset-fill+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether polygon offset is enabled for polyg... |
+polygon-offset-line+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether polygon offset is enabled for polyg... |
+polygon-offset-point+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether polygon offset is enabled for polyg... |
+polygon-offset-units+ | gl-get-list returns one value. This value is multiplied by an implementation-specific value and t... |
+polygon-smooth+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether antialiasing of polygons is enabled... |
+polygon-smooth-hint+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the mode of the polygon antialiasin... |
+polygon-stipple+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether polygon stippling is enabled. The i... |
+polygon-stipple-bit+ | |
+polygon-token+ | |
+position+ | |
+post-color-matrix-alpha-bias+ | |
+post-color-matrix-alpha-bias-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-alpha-scale+ | |
+post-color-matrix-alpha-scale-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-blue-bias+ | |
+post-color-matrix-blue-bias-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-blue-scale+ | |
+post-color-matrix-blue-scale-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-color-table+ | |
+post-color-matrix-color-table-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-green-bias+ | |
+post-color-matrix-green-bias-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-green-scale+ | |
+post-color-matrix-green-scale-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-red-bias+ | |
+post-color-matrix-red-bias-sgi+ | |
+post-color-matrix-red-scale+ | |
+post-color-matrix-red-scale-sgi+ | |
+post-convolution-alpha-bias+ | |
+post-convolution-alpha-bias-ext+ | |
+post-convolution-alpha-scale+ | |
+post-convolution-alpha-scale-ext+ | |
+post-convolution-blue-bias+ | |
+post-convolution-blue-bias-ext+ | |
+post-convolution-blue-scale+ | |
+post-convolution-blue-scale-ext+ | |
+post-convolution-color-table+ | |
+post-convolution-color-table-sgi+ | |
+post-convolution-green-bias+ | |
+post-convolution-green-bias-ext+ | |
+post-convolution-green-scale+ | |
+post-convolution-green-scale-ext+ | |
+post-convolution-red-bias+ | |
+post-convolution-red-bias-ext+ | |
+post-convolution-red-scale+ | |
+post-convolution-red-scale-ext+ | |
+post-texture-filter-bias-range-sgix+ | |
+post-texture-filter-bias-sgix+ | |
+post-texture-filter-scale-range-sgix+ | |
+post-texture-filter-scale-sgix+ | |
+previous-arb+ | |
+previous-ext+ | |
+previous-texture-input-nv+ | |
+primary-color-arb+ | |
+primary-color-ext+ | |
+program-alu-instructions-arb+ | |
+program-native-alu-instructions-arb+ | |
+program-native-tex-indirections-arb+ | |
+program-native-tex-instructions-arb+ | |
+program-tex-indirections-arb+ | |
+program-tex-instructions-arb+ | |
+projection+ | |
+projection-matrix+ | gl-get-list returns sixteen values: the projection matrix on the top of the projection matrix sta... |
+projection-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of matrices on the projection matrix stack. The initial... |
+proxy-color-table+ | |
+proxy-color-table-sgi+ | |
+proxy-histogram+ | |
+proxy-histogram-ext+ | |
+proxy-post-color-matrix-color-table+ | |
+proxy-post-color-matrix-color-table-sgi+ | |
+proxy-post-convolution-color-table+ | |
+proxy-post-convolution-color-table-sgi+ | |
+proxy-texture-1d+ | |
+proxy-texture-1d-array-ext+ | |
+proxy-texture-1d-ext+ | |
+proxy-texture-1d-stack-mesax+ | |
+proxy-texture-2d+ | |
+proxy-texture-2d-array-ext+ | |
+proxy-texture-2d-ext+ | |
+proxy-texture-2d-stack-mesax+ | |
+proxy-texture-3d-ext+ | |
+proxy-texture-4d-sgis+ | |
+proxy-texture-color-table-sgi+ | |
+proxy-texture-cube-map-arb+ | |
+proxy-texture-cube-map-ext+ | |
+proxy-texture-rectangle-arb+ | |
+proxy-texture-rectangle-nv+ | |
+q+ | |
+quad-alpha4-sgis+ | |
+quad-alpha8-sgis+ | |
+quad-intensity4-sgis+ | |
+quad-intensity8-sgis+ | |
+quad-luminance4-sgis+ | |
+quad-luminance8-sgis+ | |
+quad-strip+ | |
+quad-texture-select-sgis+ | |
+quadratic-attenuation+ | |
+quads+ | |
+r+ | |
+r11f-g11f-b10f-ext+ | |
+r3-g3-b2+ | |
+r5-g6-b5-a8-icc-sgix+ | |
+r5-g6-b5-icc-sgix+ | |
+raster-position-unclipped-ibm+ | |
+read-buffer+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating which color buffer is selected for ... |
+read-only-arb+ | |
+read-write-arb+ | |
+red+ | |
+red-bias+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the red bias factor used during pixel transfers. The ini‐ tial val... |
+red-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of red bitplanes in each color buffer. |
+red-max-clamp-ingr+ | |
+red-min-clamp-ingr+ | |
+red-scale+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the red scale factor used during pixel transfers. The ini‐ tial va... |
+reduce+ | |
+reduce-ext+ | |
+reference-plane-equation-sgix+ | |
+reference-plane-sgix+ | |
+reflection-map-arb+ | |
+reflection-map-ext+ | |
+reflection-map-nv+ | |
+render+ | |
+render-mode+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating whether the GL is in render, select... |
+renderer+ | |
+repeat+ | |
+replace+ | |
+replace-ext+ | |
+replicate-border+ | |
+replicate-border-hp+ | |
+resample-average-oml+ | |
+resample-decimate-oml+ | |
+resample-decimate-sgix+ | |
+resample-replicate-oml+ | |
+resample-replicate-sgix+ | |
+resample-zero-fill-oml+ | |
+resample-zero-fill-sgix+ | |
+rescale-normal+ | |
+rescale-normal-ext+ | |
+return+ | |
+rgb+ | |
+rgb-float16-ati+ | |
+rgb-float32-ati+ | |
+rgb-icc-sgix+ | |
+rgb-s3tc+ | |
+rgb-scale-arb+ | |
+rgb-scale-ext+ | |
+rgb10+ | |
+rgb10-a2+ | |
+rgb10-a2-ext+ | |
+rgb10-ext+ | |
+rgb12+ | |
+rgb12-ext+ | |
+rgb16+ | |
+rgb16-ext+ | |
+rgb16f-arb+ | |
+rgb2-ext+ | |
+rgb32f-arb+ | |
+rgb4+ | |
+rgb4-ext+ | |
+rgb4-s3tc+ | |
+rgb5+ | |
+rgb5-a1+ | |
+rgb5-a1-ext+ | |
+rgb5-ext+ | |
+rgb8+ | |
+rgb8-ext+ | |
+rgb9-e5-ext+ | |
+rgba+ | |
+rgba-float16-ati+ | |
+rgba-float32-ati+ | |
+rgba-icc-sgix+ | |
+rgba-mode+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the GL is in RGBA mode (true) or co... |
+rgba-s3tc+ | |
+rgba-signed-components-ext+ | |
+rgba-unsigned-dot-product-mapping-nv+ | |
+rgba12+ | |
+rgba12-ext+ | |
+rgba16+ | |
+rgba16-ext+ | |
+rgba16f-arb+ | |
+rgba2+ | |
+rgba2-ext+ | |
+rgba32f-arb+ | |
+rgba4+ | |
+rgba4-ext+ | |
+rgba4-s3tc+ | |
+rgba8+ | |
+rgba8-ext+ | |
+right+ | |
+s+ | |
+sample-alpha-to-mask-sgis+ | |
+sample-alpha-to-one-sgis+ | |
+sample-buffers-3dfx+ | |
+sample-buffers-sgis+ | |
+sample-mask-invert-sgis+ | |
+sample-mask-sgis+ | |
+sample-mask-value-sgis+ | |
+sample-pattern-sgis+ | |
+samples-3dfx+ | |
+samples-sgis+ | |
+scalebias-hint-sgix+ | |
+scissor-bit+ | |
+scissor-box+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the x and y window coordinates of the scissor box, fol‐ lowed by... |
+scissor-test+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether scissoring is enabled. The initial ... |
+screen-coordinates-rend+ | |
+secondary-color-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+select+ | |
+selection-buffer-pointer+ | |
+selection-buffer-size+ | |
+separable-2d+ | |
+separable-2d-ext+ | |
+separate-specular-color+ | |
+separate-specular-color-ext+ | |
+set+ | |
+shade-model+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating whether the shading mode is flat or... |
+shader-consistent-nv+ | |
+shader-operation-nv+ | |
+shading-language-version-arb+ | |
+shadow-ambient-sgix+ | |
+shared-texture-palette-ext+ | |
+sharpen-texture-func-points-sgis+ | |
+shininess+ | |
+short+ | |
+signed-alpha-nv+ | |
+signed-alpha8-nv+ | |
+signed-hilo-nv+ | |
+signed-hilo16-nv+ | |
+signed-hilo8-nv+ | |
+signed-intensity-nv+ | |
+signed-intensity8-nv+ | |
+signed-luminance-alpha-nv+ | |
+signed-luminance-nv+ | |
+signed-luminance8-alpha8-nv+ | |
+signed-luminance8-nv+ | |
+signed-rgb-nv+ | |
+signed-rgb-unsigned-alpha-nv+ | |
+signed-rgb8-nv+ | |
+signed-rgb8-unsigned-alpha8-nv+ | |
+signed-rgba-nv+ | |
+signed-rgba8-nv+ | |
+single-color+ | |
+single-color-ext+ | |
+slice-accum-sun+ | |
+sluminance-alpha-ext+ | |
+sluminance-ext+ | |
+sluminance8-alpha8-ext+ | |
+sluminance8-ext+ | |
+smooth+ | |
+smooth-line-width-granularity+ | |
+smooth-line-width-range+ | |
+smooth-point-size-granularity+ | |
+smooth-point-size-range+ | |
+source0-alpha-arb+ | |
+source0-alpha-ext+ | |
+source0-rgb-arb+ | |
+source0-rgb-ext+ | |
+source1-alpha-arb+ | |
+source1-alpha-ext+ | |
+source1-rgb-arb+ | |
+source1-rgb-ext+ | |
+source2-alpha-arb+ | |
+source2-alpha-ext+ | |
+source2-rgb-arb+ | |
+source2-rgb-ext+ | |
+source3-alpha-nv+ | |
+source3-rgb-nv+ | |
+specular+ | |
+sphere-map+ | |
+spot-cutoff+ | |
+spot-direction+ | |
+spot-exponent+ | |
+sprite-axis-sgix+ | |
+sprite-mode-sgix+ | |
+sprite-sgix+ | |
+sprite-translation-sgix+ | |
+src-alpha+ | |
+src-alpha-saturate+ | |
+src-color+ | |
+srgb-alpha-ext+ | |
+srgb-ext+ | |
+srgb8-alpha8-ext+ | |
+srgb8-ext+ | |
+stack-overflow+ | |
+stack-underflow+ | |
+static-copy-arb+ | |
+static-draw-arb+ | |
+static-read-arb+ | |
+stencil+ | |
+stencil-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer. |
+stencil-buffer-bit+ | |
+stencil-clear-value+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the index to which the stencil bitplanes are cleared. The initial ... |
+stencil-fail+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating what action is taken when the stenc... |
+stencil-func+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating what function is used to compare th... |
+stencil-index+ | |
+stencil-pass-depth-fail+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating what action is taken when the stenc... |
+stencil-pass-depth-pass+ | gl-get-list returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating what action is taken when the stenc... |
+stencil-ref+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the reference value that is compared with the contents of the sten... |
+stencil-test+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether stencil testing of fragments is ena... |
+stencil-value-mask+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the mask that is used to mask both the stencil reference value and... |
+stencil-writemask+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the mask that controls writing of the stencil bitplanes. The initi... |
+stereo+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether stereo buffers (left and right) are... |
+stream-copy-arb+ | |
+stream-draw-arb+ | |
+stream-read-arb+ | |
+subpixel-bits+ | gl-get-list returns one value, an estimate of the number of bits of subpixel resolution that are ... |
+subtract-arb+ | |
+t+ | |
+t2f-c3f-v3f+ | |
+t2f-c4f-n3f-v3f+ | |
+t2f-c4ub-v3f+ | |
+t2f-iui-n3f-v2f-ext+ | |
+t2f-iui-n3f-v3f-ext+ | |
+t2f-iui-v2f-ext+ | |
+t2f-iui-v3f-ext+ | |
+t2f-n3f-v3f+ | |
+t2f-v3f+ | |
+t4f-c4f-n3f-v4f+ | |
+t4f-v4f+ | |
+table-too-large+ | |
+table-too-large-ext+ | |
+texcoord1-bit-pgi+ | |
+texcoord2-bit-pgi+ | |
+texcoord3-bit-pgi+ | |
+texcoord4-bit-pgi+ | |
+text-fragment-shader-ati+ | |
+texture+ | |
+texture-1d+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 1D texture mapping is enabled. The ... |
+texture-1d-array-ext+ | |
+texture-1d-stack-binding-mesax+ | |
+texture-1d-stack-mesax+ | |
+texture-2d+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether 2D texture mapping is enabled. The ... |
+texture-2d-array-ext+ | |
+texture-2d-stack-binding-mesax+ | |
+texture-2d-stack-mesax+ | |
+texture-3d-binding-ext+ | |
+texture-3d-ext+ | |
+texture-4d-binding-sgis+ | |
+texture-4d-sgis+ | |
+texture-4dsize-sgis+ | |
+texture-alpha-size+ | |
+texture-alpha-size-ext+ | |
+texture-alpha-type-arb+ | |
+texture-base-level+ | |
+texture-base-level-sgis+ | |
+texture-binding-1d+ | |
+texture-binding-1d-array-ext+ | |
+texture-binding-2d+ | |
+texture-binding-2d-array-ext+ | |
+texture-binding-3d+ | |
+texture-binding-cube-map-arb+ | |
+texture-binding-cube-map-ext+ | |
+texture-binding-rectangle-arb+ | |
+texture-binding-rectangle-nv+ | |
+texture-bit+ | |
+texture-blue-size+ | |
+texture-blue-size-ext+ | |
+texture-blue-type-arb+ | |
+texture-border+ | |
+texture-border-color+ | |
+texture-border-values-nv+ | |
+texture-clipmap-center-sgix+ | |
+texture-clipmap-depth-sgix+ | |
+texture-clipmap-frame-sgix+ | |
+texture-clipmap-lod-offset-sgix+ | |
+texture-clipmap-offset-sgix+ | |
+texture-clipmap-virtual-depth-sgix+ | |
+texture-color-table-sgi+ | |
+texture-compare-fail-value-arb+ | |
+texture-compare-func-arb+ | |
+texture-compare-mode-arb+ | |
+texture-compare-operator-sgix+ | |
+texture-compare-sgix+ | |
+texture-components+ | |
+texture-coord-array+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the texture coordinate array is ena... |
+texture-coord-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+texture-coord-array-count-ext+ | |
+texture-coord-array-pointer+ | |
+texture-coord-array-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of coordinates per element in the texture coor‐ dinate ... |
+texture-coord-array-stride+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte offset between consecutive elements in the texture coordi... |
+texture-coord-array-type+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the data type of the coordinates in the texture coordinate array. ... |
+texture-cube-map-arb+ | |
+texture-cube-map-ext+ | |
+texture-cube-map-negative-x-arb+ | |
+texture-cube-map-negative-x-ext+ | |
+texture-cube-map-negative-y-arb+ | |
+texture-cube-map-negative-y-ext+ | |
+texture-cube-map-negative-z-arb+ | |
+texture-cube-map-negative-z-ext+ | |
+texture-cube-map-positive-x-arb+ | |
+texture-cube-map-positive-x-ext+ | |
+texture-cube-map-positive-y-arb+ | |
+texture-cube-map-positive-y-ext+ | |
+texture-cube-map-positive-z-arb+ | |
+texture-cube-map-positive-z-ext+ | |
+texture-deformation-bit-sgix+ | |
+texture-deformation-sgix+ | |
+texture-depth-ext+ | |
+texture-depth-size-arb+ | |
+texture-depth-type-arb+ | |
+texture-ds-size-nv+ | |
+texture-dt-size-nv+ | |
+texture-env+ | |
+texture-env-bias-sgix+ | |
+texture-env-color+ | |
+texture-env-mode+ | |
+texture-filter-control-ext+ | |
+texture-filter4-size-sgis+ | |
+texture-float-components-nv+ | |
+texture-gen-mode+ | |
+texture-gen-q+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether automatic generation of the q textu... |
+texture-gen-r+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether automatic generation of the r textu... |
+texture-gen-s+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether automatic generation of the S textu... |
+texture-gen-t+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether automatic generation of the T textu... |
+texture-gequal-r-sgix+ | |
+texture-green-size+ | |
+texture-green-size-ext+ | |
+texture-green-type-arb+ | |
+texture-height+ | |
+texture-hi-size-nv+ | |
+texture-intensity-size+ | |
+texture-intensity-size-ext+ | |
+texture-intensity-type-arb+ | |
+texture-internal-format+ | |
+texture-lequal-r-sgix+ | |
+texture-lighting-mode-hp+ | |
+texture-lo-size-nv+ | |
+texture-lod-bias-ext+ | |
+texture-lod-bias-r-sgix+ | |
+texture-lod-bias-s-sgix+ | |
+texture-lod-bias-t-sgix+ | |
+texture-luminance-size+ | |
+texture-luminance-size-ext+ | |
+texture-luminance-type-arb+ | |
+texture-mag-filter+ | |
+texture-mag-size-nv+ | |
+texture-matrix+ | gl-get-list returns sixteen values: the texture matrix on the top of the texture matrix stack. In... |
+texture-max-anisotropy-ext+ | |
+texture-max-clamp-r-sgix+ | |
+texture-max-clamp-s-sgix+ | |
+texture-max-clamp-t-sgix+ | |
+texture-max-level+ | |
+texture-max-level-sgis+ | |
+texture-max-lod+ | |
+texture-max-lod-sgis+ | |
+texture-min-filter+ | |
+texture-min-lod+ | |
+texture-min-lod-sgis+ | |
+texture-multi-buffer-hint-sgix+ | |
+texture-post-specular-hp+ | |
+texture-pre-specular-hp+ | |
+texture-priority+ | |
+texture-rectangle-arb+ | |
+texture-rectangle-nv+ | |
+texture-red-size+ | |
+texture-red-size-ext+ | |
+texture-red-type-arb+ | |
+texture-resident+ | |
+texture-shader-nv+ | |
+texture-shared-size-ext+ | |
+texture-stack-depth+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of matrices on the texture matrix stack. The initial va... |
+texture-stencil-size-ext+ | |
+texture-too-large-ext+ | |
+texture-unsigned-remap-mode-nv+ | |
+texture-width+ | |
+texture-wrap-q-sgis+ | |
+texture-wrap-r-ext+ | |
+texture-wrap-s+ | |
+texture-wrap-t+ | |
+transform-bit+ | |
+transform-hint-apple+ | |
+triangle-fan+ | |
+triangle-strip+ | |
+triangles+ | |
+true+ | |
+type-rgba-float-ati+ | |
+unpack-alignment+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte alignment used for reading pixel data from memory. The in... |
+unpack-client-storage-apple+ | |
+unpack-cmyk-hint-ext+ | |
+unpack-image-depth-sgis+ | |
+unpack-image-height-ext+ | |
+unpack-lsb-first+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether single-bit pixels being read from m... |
+unpack-resample-oml+ | |
+unpack-resample-sgix+ | |
+unpack-row-length+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the row length used for reading pixel data from memory. The initia... |
+unpack-skip-images-ext+ | |
+unpack-skip-pixels+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of pixel locations skipped before the first pixel is re... |
+unpack-skip-rows+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of rows of pixel locations skipped before the first pix... |
+unpack-skip-volumes-sgis+ | |
+unpack-subsample-rate-sgix+ | |
+unpack-swap-bytes+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the bytes of two-byte and four-byte... |
+unsigned-byte+ | |
+unsigned-byte-2-3-3-rev+ | |
+unsigned-byte-2-3-3-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-byte-3-3-2+ | |
+unsigned-byte-3-3-2-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int+ | |
+unsigned-int-10-10-10-2+ | |
+unsigned-int-10-10-10-2-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int-10f-11f-11f-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int-2-10-10-10-rev+ | |
+unsigned-int-2-10-10-10-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int-24-8-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int-24-8-nv+ | |
+unsigned-int-5-9-9-9-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int-8-8-8-8+ | |
+unsigned-int-8-8-8-8-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int-8-8-8-8-rev+ | |
+unsigned-int-8-8-8-8-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-int-8-8-s8-s8-rev-nv+ | |
+unsigned-int-s8-s8-8-8-nv+ | |
+unsigned-normalized-arb+ | |
+unsigned-short+ | |
+unsigned-short-1-5-5-5-rev+ | |
+unsigned-short-1-5-5-5-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-short-4-4-4-4+ | |
+unsigned-short-4-4-4-4-ext+ | |
+unsigned-short-4-4-4-4-rev+ | |
+unsigned-short-4-4-4-4-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-short-5-5-5-1+ | |
+unsigned-short-5-5-5-1-ext+ | |
+unsigned-short-5-6-5+ | |
+unsigned-short-5-6-5-ext+ | |
+unsigned-short-5-6-5-rev+ | |
+unsigned-short-5-6-5-rev-ext+ | |
+unsigned-short-8-8-apple+ | |
+unsigned-short-8-8-mesa+ | |
+unsigned-short-8-8-rev-apple+ | |
+unsigned-short-8-8-rev-mesa+ | |
+v2f+ | |
+v3f+ | |
+vendor+ | |
+version+ | |
+vertex-array+ | gl-get-list returns a single boolean value indicating whether the vertex array is enabled. The in... |
+vertex-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+vertex-array-count-ext+ | |
+vertex-array-pointer+ | |
+vertex-array-range-without-flush-nv+ | |
+vertex-array-size+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the number of coordinates per vertex in the vertex array. The init... |
+vertex-array-stride+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the byte offset between consecutive vertexes in the vertex array. ... |
+vertex-array-type+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the data type of each coordinate in the vertex array. The initial ... |
+vertex-attrib-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+vertex-consistent-hint-pgi+ | |
+vertex-data-hint-pgi+ | |
+vertex-preclip-hint-sgix+ | |
+vertex-preclip-sgix+ | |
+vertex23-bit-pgi+ | |
+vertex4-bit-pgi+ | |
+vibrance-bias-nv+ | |
+vibrance-scale-nv+ | |
+viewport+ | gl-get-list returns four values: the x and y window coordinates of the viewport, followed by its ... |
+viewport-bit+ | |
+weight-array-buffer-binding-arb+ | |
+wrap-border-sun+ | |
+write-only-arb+ | |
+xor+ | |
+ycbcr-422-apple+ | |
+ycbcr-mesa+ | |
+ycrcb-422-sgix+ | |
+ycrcb-444-sgix+ | |
+ycrcb-sgix+ | |
+ycrcba-sgix+ | |
+zero+ | |
+zoom-x+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the x pixel zoom factor. The initial value is 1. See glPixelZoom. |
+zoom-y+ | gl-get-list returns one value, the y pixel zoom factor. The initial value is 1. See glPixelZoom. |