terrain-node | A terrain node in the bisecting quad tree. The *terrain-root* is the master root node for these.... |
terrain-patch | This represents a geo-mip-mapped ‘patch’ which the terrain composed of. It is the primary visual ... |
*base-height* | |
*centre-altitude* | |
*depth-divide* | |
*down-level* | |
*flatten-index* | |
*ground-colour* | |
*interpolation-index* | |
*lod-colours* | |
*master-dimension* | |
*master-interleaved-array* | |
*master-levels* | |
*master-nodes* | |
*master-triangle-indices* | |
*max-levels* | |
*object-depth-levels* | |
*object-depths* | |
*patch-height* | |
*patch-max-level* | |
*patch-width* | Width in metres of a terrain 'patch' |
*sea-colour* | |
*sea-indices* | |
*sea-vertices* | |
*terrain-root* | The root terrain node |
*terrain-width* | |
*triangle-indices-ctype* | |
*triangle-indices-ctype-size* | |
*triangle-indices-edges* | Array of arrays of arrays of the array of the foreign arrays First set of arrays indexes the patc... |
*triangle-indices-gl-enum-type* | |
*triangle-indices-length-levels* | |
*triangle-indices-levels* | |
*up-level* | |
*waterline-step* |
+east+ | |
+north+ | |
+south+ | |
+west+ |
calculate-cache-level | Function to determine the desired level of detail to be cached for a given vector position of a p... |
calculate-desired-level | This computes the current desired level-of-detail that a patch would ideally be drawn at. This is... |
calculate-lod | Recursively walk through the terrain nodes in the master grid in the rectangle gx0,gy0 -> gx1,gy1... |
clamp | |
compression-function | ‘Compresses’ the raw [pseudo]fractal terrain data to the more aesthetically pleasing result curv... |
draw-level-0-patches | Draws the base level-0 master nodes in the list arr. |
draw-lod-depth-level | Draw all of the patches/nodes and sea patches in depth-level i. |
draw-lod-depth-level-sea | Draw the array of sea patches given and REMOVE them from the array! |
draw-patch | Draw a patch's geometry. This will only be called for patches at level of detail greater than 0.... |
initialize | |
initialize-triangle-indices | |
interpolate-height | |
interpolate-normal | |
loop-over-level-0-triangle-index-arrays | As with loop-over-triangle-index-arrays, but with the lowest-level of detail; arr is a list of vi... |
loop-over-triangle-index-arrays | Iterate over the arrays that make up the currently terrain patch geometry. handler function take... |
make-children | |
make-root | Given the initialization arguments root-args, [re]-generate a terrain. Ensure you call terrain:in... |
modify-lod | Process, at most, one level-up and one level-down of the terrain. |
prand | |
ray-intersects-object | |
root | |
setup-interleaved-arrays-level | Populates a single level of vertex + colour data, given the level number l, the foreign-data arr... |
setup-invisibles | Iterates through all of the master-level nodes, marking them visible or not. Resets their desired... |
setup-normals | Compute and fill the normals of the vertex data interleaved array arr at level given. If array-be... |
terrain-patch-initialize-arrays | Allocates interleaved-array and levels array for terrain-patch at level l. |
terrain-patch-level-down | |
terrain-patch-level-up | |
terrain-patch-setup-interleaved-arrays | Populates terrain patch's interleaved arrays with all of the current num-levels of data: vertices... |
update-for-draw | The top-level call to the pre-draw per-frame function. Clear the bump-level-up&down candidates. C... |
world-to-grid | |
x0 | |
x1 | |
xh | |
y0 | |
y1 | |
yh |
for-each-visible-triangle | |
interleaved-arrays | |
root-node | |
size-x | |
size-y |
colour-ref | |
interleaved-element | |
level-to-dimension | |
normal-ref | |
set-neighbours | Sets a to be 'direction' of b |
triindex-ref | |
vertex-ref |